The future and tradition of Made in Italy: a dialogue between master’s students in CKD and ZBLB

A one-of-a-kind experience: the students from Accademia Costume e Moda meet the craftsmanship and quality of the Italian manufacture at Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia.

Last month, students from Creative Knitwear Design (CKD) master's degree at
Accademia Costume e Moda had the opportunity to visit the production plant in
Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia.
The meeting began with a presentation of the company and its production progress
to give the students an insight into ZBLB’s history and philosophy.
Then, with a visit to the Borgosesia manufacturing plant, the students were able
to touch the raw material first hand and to see its transformation from fiber to yarn.
Students from all over the world participated with great enthusiasm and curiosity this
unique experience, highly valuable for their entry into fashion industry.
The company visit allowed them to appreciate the value of quality in all production
Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia has always been a technical partner of Creative
Knitwear Design master’s degree organized by the Accademia Costume e
Moda and Modateca Deanna; with its yarns and commitment, the company
supports the development projects and the workshops "Industry Project".
This encounter between the two players, on the one hand ZBLB and on the other the
students of the Academy, has made it possible to bring the historicity of a company
that is fundamental for the supply chain and for the territory closer together with the
creative drive of the new generation of professionals and designers.

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