In the last few years, the issue of environmental sustainability has been a top priority, almost definitively directing the business choices of entire sectors in order to safeguard our planet from an increasingly uncertain future in terms of resource scarcity, contamination, poverty and discrimination at the global level. These premises make the duty to develop a coherent sustainability strategy, a key element in our business model, even more crucial.
This path for ZBLB began and has been developed consistently over the past years, and in 2022 experienced further acceleration focused on the following key aspects, described in detail in the 2022 Sustainability Report downloadable here.

Quality and

Of product categories assessed for impacts on consumer health and safety

Of production certified OEKO-TEX clas II

Collaboration with The Woolmark Company to promote the quality and sustainability of Merino wool

Sustainable supply chain



Animal Welfare:

RWS certification and promotion of responsible textile supply chain development



New Charter of Values and comprehensive sustainability rating on strategic suppliers

Environmentally friendly


Green Energy

CO2 emission intensity

Water withdrawal reduction

Waste reduction with 74% reuse and recovery


Welfare and equal opportunities:

Health and safety

European Best Practice "Safe and Healthy Workplaces"


Sustainability report archive

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