Textile tradition is the protagonist of a documentary film

Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia took part in the movie “Un filo vecchio come l’uomo”: the story of the manufacturing culture of Biella.

Fondazione Radici, created to save memories in Piedmont, arrives in Biella with the
documentary film “Un filo vecchio come l’uomo” (“A thread as old as
man)”, produced with Consulta delle Fondazioni di origine bancaria del Piemonte e
della Liguria, in collaboration with Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella, the
Master's Degree Course in Cultural Heritage and Creativity for Tourism and
Territorial Development at the University of Turin, and “Biella Città Creativa
(creative city) UNESCO.

The documentary, presented for the first time on Friday, April 21st, at the Verdi
cinema in Candelo, aims to highlight the story of Biella, through the stories of its
prestigious textile realities, the creativity of which it has become the
capital, thanks to the Unesco recognition.

Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia is also featured among the companies mentioned in
the narrative.
Sixteen characters and as many interviews have been chosen to tell the
excellence in textile production in Biella and its origins.

The title of the project, "A Thread as Old as Man," fully reflects the intention to tell a
story of quality, elegance, and success, of passion and perseverance.
It is a documentary that highlights an entire territory that has been living on wool
manufacturing of excellence in its dimension of excellence for generations.

Here is the trailer of “A thread as old as man”: https://youtu.be/0fmedBI5xDo

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