The red thread of Italian history goes on stage

A piece in 5 theatrical scenes to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Manifattura Lane Borgosesia

On Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 march the historic factory in Zegna Baruffa Lane
Borgosesia opened its doors to celebrate 150 years of Manifattura Lane
Borgosesia in an artistic and innovative way.
The event was a great success, with the participation of nearly 1000 people,
including current and former employees of the company, in a joyful and well-attended
With the show titled “The red thread of Italian history” the artists of Teatrando,
directed by Paolo Zanone and Veronica Rocca, interpreted the highlights of ZBLB, in
period costumes; a representation that unites the history of Territory and
Supported by the words of Marcello Vaudano, president of DocBi, the artists gave life
to five theatrical scenes that took place in the historic rooms and the courtyard of the
historic factory: the perfect setting for connecting past and present.
The event was a precious opportunity to raise awareness of the company, even
outside the textile sector and to involve many employees in people management
and support activities, with the aim of internally increasing awareness and the sense
of belonging.

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