The thread of sustainability: ZBLB’s house turns green

Two new steps in our sustainable development, featuring our historical production site of Borgosesia.

One of the goals that Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia strives to pursue every day is to translate our sustainable development strategy into action. In this sense, two important CO2 reduction and energy saving projects are underway at our historical production site in Borgosesia. These projects make our commitment to sustainability concrete and are absolutely consistent with our corporate values of respect for the territory and people.

Here are the details of both projects


P.R. F.E.S.R. (CUP CODE: J85H23000170009 – COR CODE: 16583284)

The project involves installing a 1,060 kW photovoltaic system at the Borgosesia facility. The photovoltaic system can produce energy equivalent to 1,033,933 kWh per year, with an estimated self-consumption of 949,235 kWh per year. The remaining energy produced, amounting to 84,698 kWh per year, will be fed into the grid. A CO2 emissions reduction of 411 tonnes is estimated.

Project start: January 2024

Duration: 24 months

Total amount: euro 1,620,933.40

Financial benefit received from the EU: non-repayable fund of euro 162,093.34 – Financing of euro 1,458,840.06, 70% of which is interest-free.


P.R. F.E.S.R. (CUP CODE: J85H23000130009 – COR CODE: 16390849)

The project involves replacing the current lamps at the Borgosesia production site with new, more efficient LED lighting fixtures. The expected benefit in terms of electricity savings following the implementation of the energy efficiency intervention is 599,033 kWh per year. The baseline consumption before the intervention is 1,264,794 kWh per year, while the estimated consumption post-intervention is 705,761 kWh per year. A CO2 emissions reduction of 242 tonnes is estimated.

Project start: January 2024

Duration: 24 months

Total amount: euro 668,230

Financial benefit received from the EU: non-repayable fund of euro 66,823 – Financing of euro 601,407, 70% of which is interest-free.

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