“Healthy Workplaces” – The quality of the yarns is reflected in the safety and well-being of our protagonists: the workers

Workers’ health is the key value of Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia: we are the Italian company awarded in the European competition for the best workplaces of 2022.

These 170 years of ours have been possible thanks to them: the people who work and live in Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia. A family beyond the company, an invaluable human potential; a resource to take care of. For this reason we have launched various programs in favor of well-being in the workplace, as evidenced by our last four sustainability reports. A daily commitment, concrete and continuously improving, which has not gone unnoticed by the INAIL Tripartite Commission.

We have been selected as a virtuous italian company in the “Healthy Workplaces: Lighten the Load” competition, distinguishing itself among the “”Healthy and safe workplaces” 2020/2022. The important award was given to us last November in Bilbao during the Healthy Workplaces Summit, which compared the best practices of 27 european countries.

The initiative was born from the collaboration with ICS Maugeri, IRCCS – Scientific Institute of Pavia and is based on the participation, with the involvement of forty maintenance workers.

The innovative approach has made it possible to identify wide-ranging solutions: redesign some of the work spaces, introduce tools and hydraulic lifters, change the organization of operational activities. The “Healthy Workplaces: Lighten the Load” commission highly appreciated the direct involvement of maintenance workers and the global approach to the concept of prevention in the workplace.

The benefits in terms of health and safety were not the only ones: there was an increase in the sense of belonging and perceived safety and it was an opportunity to rethink all-round ergonomic solutions. The welfare of workers is a primary and long-term commitment. This initiative lays the foundations for subsequent developments: we are planning the intervention of a dedicated physiotherapist on correct postures and physical exercises and a course for maintaining well-being and health.

People are the keepers of our story and our hope for tomorrow. For a company like ZBLB care is a daily and essential gesture, which can be perceived, which really makes the difference.

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