What colours do sounds have?

A behind-the-scenes look at FW 24/25 – Orchestra

Getting to know this collection was like walking into a rehearsal room before a concert: exciting. The feeling is strange: they seem like discordant sounds, but all are rhythmic and dynamic, creating a moment of pure harmony.

Like when I frantically move around using public transport to get to work or when I get on my bike to catch up with friends. The versatile rhythm fully represents the dynamic part of my daily life; I spontaneously open my rucksack and sip my energy drink: live in the moment and savour the rhythm, I tell myself. They are performance wool yarns, ideal for those who live dynamically: H2DRY embodies the characteristics for living our everyday life.

I reach my destination, and enter a room, attracted by steamy sounds announcing tea time…. The tea ceremony is anything but an ancient ritual, it is a thoroughly contemporary idea to relax during the day. As I drink my English tea, I am caressing the sound of the SHERWOOD yarn, a noble compound bouclé, Shetland-inspired, light, round and soft: it is comparable to tea, being also the result of long experience. Such enveloping harmonies make me experience the simplicity of life in English cottages, like a true gentleman farmer. It is interesting this stop in the English countryside: MO-AIR, HUNTER, FENIS, all small passages, to be greeted in the finale by KENT and LOGAN, who have found their ideal habitat.

There is another room that intrigues me, as I seem to recognize the sublime music of Vivaldi and his opera “The Four Seasons”… all of a sudden the sounds merge into a single, timeless melody that transports me to a world where seasons no longer exist. In fact, I encounter the most emblematic yarns in their SEASONLESS version.

Definitely a choice in the air of time.  A modern musical style, with all the lightness of perfect season-less yarns: AMBROSIA, BRANCHWOOL, FILIX, GOSSYP, MARIN, ORCHID, PASH-MIR, SOLEIL. I have found my ideal comfort zone.

As dusk falls, I find myself in a large hall and have the feeling that something special is going to happen: many musicians show up with a dress code worthy of a La Scala premiere. I remain in strict silence, sipping a glass of champagne, listening to a musical performance of unique elegance and refinement.  It is the new melody of the LEISURE yarn: an extra-fine chain, as refined as the crystal I hold between my fingers; the yarn is skillfully tied with recycled nylon which helps, with its lightness, to give a cloudy effect despite the fact that it has only been washed and ironed. Alongside this much more traditional New Entry are the luminous ALASHAN and GOLD, followed by SIRIO, DIAMANTE, NANCHINO.

It is now evening. A person of rare elegance whispers to me “Time is the true luxury”, and so saying opens a door to the last room… A magical place, where the preciousness of musical instruments gives way to the pleasure of unique yarns: like ATELIER, another new addition to the collection. It presents itself as an evolution of cashmere not shown but worn, a bouclé tied with silk, a colour range that makes it superb, suitable for embellishing delicate knits and accessories.

This winter collection ends with this room, dedicated to the well-being that only WOOL can convey, with its soft and natural volumes. It was interesting to have shared this tour with you who are now reading these notes. I always forget the presentations, but the yarns had priority: Chiara Valsecchi, always happy to meet you again.

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