Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia and CirculArt: new creative balances

Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia, sponsor of the Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto project, hosted the four young artists of CirculArt.

Last December the third edition of CirculART in Biella. CirculART is the art project organized by Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and carried out in collaboration with Fashion B.E.S.T. and UNIDEE Residency Programs, whose aim is to promote conscious fashion through different artistic forms.

To address the ever-increasing concern for the environment, four artists and fashion designers – selected through an international call for entries – were invited to interpret the central theme of CirculArt through their own personal creative key.

Agustina Bottoni (@agustina.bottoni), Lucia Chain (@luciachain_official), Hugh Sillitoe (@hugesillytoe), Rebecca Sforzani (@rebecca.sforzani) had the opportunity to see the production line and learn about the actions required to create high quality products, with ethical and sustainable actions along the entire production line.

All participants – with their own ideas and stylistic code – were able to grasp the links between their creations and the expressive possibilities of a superior raw material.

During the visit to our plants in Borgosesia, artists and designers discussed issues and shared reflections related to raw materials, sustainability and the truly creative “reuse” not only of yarn, but also of waste materials and what they could eventually become at the end of their life cycle.

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